Service on all makes and models, Expertly trained technicians


All of DentPro’s technicians, managers, and owners are personally certified by DentPro Corporation. They must complete an eight-week intensive training course that teaches a prospective technician how to repair dents and dings the “DentPro Way”.

Our training takes place on real cars with real dents to ensure that trainees understand all of the various aspects involved in Paintless Dent Repair. We will not certify a technician until he has demonstrated a working knowledge of Paintless Dent Repair techniques and understands the importance of customer service.

Furthermore, DentPro continuously provides additional training, tool modifications and field support to ensure that every person in our system is performing quality work and servicing the customer. All of our work is 100% insured and guaranteed, meaning the customer does not pay anything unless he/she is satisfied with the work performed. In addition, all of our estimates are free.

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